Cougar Craze Donations (by October 4, 2017)

Thank you for supporting Mill Creek PTA!  Visit our Cougar Craze page for more details on this year's event, student prizes, and our fabulous sponsors!


If you have any fundraising questions please email our Cougar Craze Fundraising Chair, gro.a1726680488tpecm1726680488@gnis1726680488iardn1726680488uf1726680488.

Donate Now


General Donations - Anytime!

You can make a donation directly to the Mill Creek PTA at any time during the year. These donations are tax-deductible and all proceeds will go directly to the PTA.

Click here to view and print our PTA donation form.  You can return this form to school with your student in an envelope marked PTA-Fundraising, or put it into the PTA box in the office.  Please make checks payable to MCE PTA and include your oldest student's name and teacher in the check memo.

Thank you for supporting Mill Creek PTA!  If you have any fundraising questions please email our VP of Fundraising, Katie, gro.a1726680488tpecm1726680488@gnis1726680488iardn1726680488uf1726680488.