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Jackson PTSA membership and donations contribute to improving every student's experience at Jackson. PTSA membership serves as a legislative voice, strengthening our ability to fight for legislation that impacts our students and schools. Students, along with their families, are encouraged to join. PTSA membership looks great on college and scholarship applications! PTSA donations fund student scholarships, school grants, staff appreciation events, community outreach and more. Our PTSA cannot function without your monetary donations and corporate matches.




PTSA Memberships

Local PTSA memberships provide us with a voice at the National PTA level to advocate for our students through the establishment of vital programs and the legislation. Members receive our Jackson PTSA newsletter and discounts for products and services in our area! We offer single ($16), double ($26), student ($8.50) and staff ($12) memberships. For more information visit


PTSA Donations

The MAIN fundraising effort for the JHS PTSA is "Pass the Hat." When you make a donation, 100% of the funds go directly toward programs and activities at Jackson. Our suggested donation is $40 per student and your donation is 100% tax deductible. We need your support! For more information visit


Corporate Match

Does your company offer a corporate match for charitable donations? Check with your HR department. This is an easy way to increase your PTSA donation. See our website for matching instructions and our tax ID number at


Membership Form

While we encourage you to purchase your membership and donation online, you may also print our membership form and mail the completed form with your check to the below address, or drop it off in the Jackson office. Membership questions? Ask our expert! moc.l1739045507iamg@1739045507spihs1739045507rebme1739045507mastp1739045507shj1739045507.

Membership Form

Jackson High School

Attention: JHS PTSA 

1508 136th Street SE 

Mill Creek, WA 98012